I’m here to make shopping as easy and convenient for you as possible. Our shop hours are different every week. The days and times change weekly which is why signing up for THE LIST is so important. When the door is up the times are either 11-1 or 4-6. The Fort is closed January and February.
The most important thing to do is sign up on the website to be on THE LIST! This is the BEST way to know what is happening at The Fort. You’ll receive an email once a week (March-December) with "The News.” The email includes opening dates and times for that week. I also include photos of what I’m excited about that week!
If our hours don’t work for you there is another option that we offer all year long. It’s an ANNEX PICKUP. Here’s all you need to do:
First call, text, DM or email me.
We will discuss what you need(photos will be sent to you with gift options) and then we will arrange an Annex Pickup.
The Annex is located right beside the shop. Your gift will be wrapped and ready for pickup at your convenience. Park on Merriman Ave, walk up the driveway, grab and go. Couldn’t be easier!
This is a service I have offered for years so, don’t hesitate to contact me. It is never a bother. Promise!